28 September 2009

Orchard Road - Singapore

First try on Street photography in Orchard Road Singapore. I am also not sure if this can be considered as Street photography.

_LYL5338 copy_LYL5311 copy_LYL5328 copy_LYL5331 copy_LYL5292 copy_LYL5303 copy_LYL5287 copy_LYL5295 copy

04 September 2009

My mum’s Orchid with Flash

Tried shooting mum’s Orchid with flash.  Images softened in photoshop.


_LYL3817 copyThe only shot without flash._LYL3813 copyFlash right of camera.

  _LYL3815 copyFlash behind left of the main flower.  Wanted to do back light to get the glow in the flower.  Guess it didn’t work very well.

My Mum’s Orchid

Took some shots of my mum’s orchid.  Did soft focus effect on 2 of the pictures.  1 of the pictures have the contrast reduced. 

_LYL3772 as Smart Object-1 copy  _LYL3786 copy_LYL3788-2 copy