30 July 2009

My New Watch – Part II

Too bored at home.  Tried shooting my watch with white background this time.  Did not use the black cloth but lowered my wooden blind.  Shot with ambient light with flash wish tungsten gel to give it more of the sunset mood.  I guess I will start to play more with gel already.

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29 July 2009

My New Watch

Took picture of my new watch today.  Method used is the same as the lens shot I did in the previous few posts.  The only difference is that I am doing it in the day time this time.  I used a black cloth to “seal up my windows not letting the sunlight to shine through.  However, you can see the sun making the black cloth turn red.  This make the picture with wider aperture having the red lighting effect.  This is unintentional but I like it. hehehe.  The red lighting effect isn’t obvious in the shot with smaller aperture as both shots are taken with 30 sec shutter speed.  So it is not enough to be shown on the 2nd picture.


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19 July 2009

East Coast Skate Park

Went to Skate Park today and saw Angela there.  Took “a few” shots of here there.  Edited her photo the bring out the detail of the cloud.  Had difficulty with the mask for her last picture here.


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14 July 2009

Rescuing a blurred picture

I learnt a the Dave Hill Effect recently.  Though I do not like the effect I made using the tutorial, I learnt I can actually use part of the steps there to rescue a blurred picture.  Below is the example.  Think not too obvious in small size.  But definitely obvious at 100% view.

Before :


After:_LYL2531 copy

If you find this useful and wish to find out how it is done, please do a bit of homework as I have given an ultra big clue on how to get there.

10 July 2009

Aprilia RSV4 Launch

When I first reached I feel damn stressed.  No one I know was there.  Even when taking picture my hands are shaking.  Damn event shoot.  I think I have phobia man.  Not confident ba I guess.  Feels weird being alone and know no one there.

Luckily got to know some of the workers there soon when I tried to take picture of a rider there. hahaha.  What a way to ice break. 

Surprise surprise.  The rider actually asked me if I am interested to do trial event coverage for them,  But I will need to do a write out after the shoot.  Does this mean I may found a lobang to become a freelance journalist?  I cannot do reporting de woh.  But extra money for my equipment is always good.  Shall try it out even if no money this time, it will be an experience.  kekeke.

During this shoot.  Before the sky gets dark is rather simple.  Just basic photography stuffs.  However, when the night falls, I have lot of problem.  Think it is due to my reluctance to pump up my ISO to above 800 and 1600.  Think only shot a few with 3200 and above.  As a result of my stubbornness, a lot of camera shakes.   I also noticed that when I shoot picture with 2 pple at f2.8.  A lot of times, I get 1 person eye sharp, the other very blur.  Need to take note of this and rather have no background detail or pump up ISO than main subject blur.  Must pump it into my head.

Another headache if the roof is red.  So bouncing flash on the roof is nightmare.  Luckily I am a raw-shooter.  If not, the white balance will be off till no body business.


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2 beautiful models for the evening.  The left has beautiful eyes.  The right 1 think I see her picture rather often in ClubSnap.   Bounce flash to the left with this picture._LYL2532 copy

Another picture of the 2 ladies.  Cannot remember the configuration of the flash I am using.  Think is bounce flash straight up with the built in “bounce card” of my SB800.

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This new Aprilia is not Pillion Friendly.  This should be where the pillion seat is.  However……… I cannot find it._LYL2513 copy _LYL2523 copy  _LYL2541 copy _LYL2545 copy _LYL2546 copy

This shot is taken outside the tent with nothing to bounce on.  Used the bounce card of my flash._LYL2551 copy

This shot is taken with off camera flash.  The flash is really obvious at the swingarm._LYL2553 copy _LYL2554 copy

08 July 2009

Flash Photography – Part II

Continuation of the previous shoot.  Everything about the set-up is the same except the cloth and 1 additional shot of flash on the 2nd and 3rd photo as a separation light.  There is no alteration of the pictures in photoshop for these 3 images except for changing of the White Balance to flash in ACR, watermarking and size reduction.

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As I am shooting in near total darkness, I have to rely on estimation to fire my flash for the separation light.  Hence, the firing of the 2 separation light are at completely different place.   2nd photo I set the separation light to be 1 stop lower than key light, same as my fill light.  3rd photo have got separation light to be 2 stop lower than key light. 

Let me know which version you like.

07 July 2009

Flash Photography – Part I

Watched a video on http://www.youtube.com about a guy taking picture of a car using 1 flash with soft box and long shutter in the dark.  It reminded of Lucifer telling me that he did it be last time.  Hence, had this idea of using the same method but on Product shoot.  Shall document this in detail in case I forget what I did.


My set up is simple.  Items used are as follows:

  1. 1 x White cloth as base and background.
  2. 1 x hard cover or thick book
  3. 1 x Tripod
  4. 1 x A4 size paper
  5. 1 x flash
  6. 1 x DSLR


As I am shooting on my bed, I need the book as the base so that the lens do not sink into the bed creating shadow at the front bottom of the lens facing the camera.

I place the white cloth over the book and position my lens.  I then compose the picture with my camera on tripod.

I did not set up DSLR to fire my flash remotely.   Set the camera to a very long shutter speed and aperture to any value required.  In fact, I do not want much ambient light to be captured. 

I set the flash in manual mode and to an appropriate power to allow firing on the A4 paper which will act as a reflector.

Time to shoot:

After switching of my lights, I press the shutter release. 

Fire the flash at the A4 paper at the pre-determined distance at right 45 degrees to the lens.

I then reduce the flash by 1 stop and fire it again at the 45 degrees left to the lens.

Wait for the shutter to close and it’s done.

Did some burning and dodging to achieve the picture below.


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The second picture is done by the method stated above.  The 1st picture  used another firing sequence and setting of the flash.  But the idea is the same.

This may not be a fantastic picture.  However, it give me some feel on using multiple lighting.  It should be giving a similar result as someone shooting with 2 remotely control flash with short shutter speed.

I have tried shooting with black cloth and the result is not as good.  I think I will need separation lighting.  It’s late now.  Will try again next time.  Enjoy the Video I watched earlier below.